I could make a difference.(我可以创造一个不一样的我。)
They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others.(他们拥有我们所有人都有的另一种超能力:改变其他人的生活的能力。)
Support could make a difference.(支持可以带来改变。)
Why does that make a difference?(为什么会有不同?)
And that the characteristics adult children look for when they begin the search are not necessarily the things that make a difference to the people who are going to move in.(而且在刚开始探索社会时,这些刚成年的孩子们所追寻的特质并不一定能对这些即将进入社会的人产生重要的影响。)
If we combine our efforts, we can make a difference.(如果我们共同努力,我们就能有所作为。)
Some ideas can make a difference build more barrier free facilities and employ more workers to protect them but hard to be put into practice, because both of them require money.(有些想法可以产生影响,比如建造更多的无障碍设施,雇佣更多的工人来维护它们,但这些想法很难付诸实施,因为这些都需要资金。)
These steps will make a difference.(这些措施将带来变化。)
Could one teacher make a difference?(难道一个老师就能起作用吗?)
The change can really make a difference.(这种改变真的可以起作用。)
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